April 12, 2011


So I am like to worst blogger EVER!!! It has once again been over a year since my last post! What's up with that? Not that I have 100,000 people that have been wondering where I am or anything... But hey even if its just me talking to myself here I am. Oh hello there me! (Ok enough of that)

SALAD!!! I have been absolutely CRAVING SALAD for awhile now. Today I made one and as my mom always says, "YUM-O!!!" It was so much better than I had imagined! The first bite was amazing. The crunch, the freshness, the lettuce, the grape tomato's, the chicken! I could go on and on! And hey don't laugh. I'm serious. It was incredible. So good in fact I may have it again tomorrow! SALAD!

I too am curious why I'm going crazy for salad... I mean, I rarely eat it and I never crave it EVER. So why have I been craving it then? Am I getting old?! Oh no! Joy did find a gray hair when she was cutting my mo-hawk last night. LOL... I honestly hope that this craving continues because it tasted so good and its good for you!

No real point. Now I know that some might expect me to do what all pastors do: Take an ordinary story and do a Jedi mind trick and give you a sermon out of it! Well... sorry to say that won't be the case here. I just wanted to simply say I loved my salad and YOU NEED TO GO EAT ONE RIGHT NOW BECAUSE IT'S SO AMAZING! (Whoa, must of bumped the caps lock button)

Daniel "Feeling like Sparkles" Hopkins!


Joy@WDDCH said...

You seriously need to blog more often! You could tell a lot of "Joy" stories here and get people rolling in the aisles. Bet you could do a few Jedi mind tricks and make great sermons out of those!

(My captcha says joydr - ha! It's a sign!)

Julie said...

D you crack me up!